Staying Grounded
Established in 2020, our Staying Grounded program provides training and employment pathways in farming and hospitality for people facing disadvantage in the Geelong region. In particular, we work with women from asylum seeker and immigrant communities seeking employment.
We run 8-week programs for three employees to grow seasonal, organic produce that is then used to prepare culturally appropriate meals each week with our participants.
These meals are then distributed to families and individuals facing limited food access through local food relief agencies Feed Me Surf Coast and One Care Geelong. Connecting people in the community to cuisine and culture they may never have experienced, the feedback we receive from the public is overwhelmingly positive and grateful. We believe sharing and celebrating food fosters connection and helps break down cultural barriers.
Participants of the program learn as much from each other, share their stories and experiences and develop connections that are brought to life in the delicious meals they prepare. For many, growing food and cooking has been central to their lives in their home countries. We seek to provide the opportunity and training for them to step-up and transfer their skills and knowledge to the Australian workforce.
The skills and confidence they gain over 8 weeks is incredible to see, and we provide ongoing support such as resume checks, references for jobs and ongoing communication after the program is finished. Many (over 75%) have gone on to find long-term employment, and some have even set up their own entrepreneurial home cooking businesses to continue to share their food and culture in the community.
Our Impact
We are thrilled to share some of the stories and impact that the program has had to date in the video below. Above all, in supporting employees to gain confidence and skills to find long-term employment, and to showcase the power that food has to connect and empower people across different cultures and walks of life.